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RIASS Redbridge
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Template Letters

IPSEA have created some template letters for you to use in different situations.

EHC needs assessments

To request an Education, Health and Care needs assessment (Template letter 1)

To request a re-assessment (Template letter 2)

Letter when the LA does not respond to a request for an EHC needs assessment within the 6 week time limit (Template letter 9)

Asking the LA to seek advice and information in an EHC needs assessment (Template letter 20)

Letter to the local authority when it does not seek the correct advice during an EHC needs assessment (Template letter 7)

Letter to LA when it does not send a draft or final EHC plan on time (Template letter 10)


Amending EHC plans

To respond to the draft EHC plan sent by the LA (Template letter 3)

Complaining when the LA will not consider the school or college you want named in your EHC plan (Template letter 14)

Objecting to the amendments the LA is proposing to an existing EHC plan (Template letter 4)

Letter to the local authority when it does not send out the final amended EHC plan in time (Template letter 15)


Annual reviews

Asking for an early review of an EHC plan (Template letter 5)

Letter when your local authority has not completed the annual review of an EHC plan (Template letter 8)

Letter to LA when it has or will breach the deadline for reviewing and amending the EHC plan in advance of a phase transfer (Template letter 12)


Asking for alternative education

Asking the LA to provide alternative education for children who are out of school due to permanent exclusion (Template letter 22a)

Asking the LA to provide alternative education for children who are unable to attend school (Template letter 22b)

Asking the LA to provide alternative education for children who do not have a school place (Template letter 22c)


Making a complaint about educational provision

Complaining when the school is not using its best endeavours to secure special educational provision for a child with SEN (Template letter 21)

Letter to local authority when the provision in an EHC plan is not being made (Template letter 6)


Letter to the LA when it fails to comply with deadlines following the conclusion of mediation

Letter to the local authority when it fails to comply with the statutory deadlines for action following the conclusion of mediation (Template letter 23)


Letter to the LA when it fails to comply with deadlines following the conclusion of an appeal

Letter to the local authority when it fails to comply with the statutory deadlines for action following a SEND Tribunal appeal (Template letter 16) 


Asking for help in exams

Asking for help in exams (Template letter 13)


Asking the school and LA for information

Asking the LA for information about what is available in its area and its delegated funding (Template letter 17)  

Asking for a copy of a child’s school record (Template letter 18) 

Asking a nursery, school or college for information on pupils with SEN and what is available for them (Template letter 19)

Asking for a personal budget and direct payment

Asking your LA for a personal budget and direct payment (Template letter 11)