What is Continuing Healthcare?
NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) is a package of care provided outside of hospital. It is arranged and funded by NHS North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT) for people aged 18 years and over who have significant ongoing healthcare needs and have been assessed as having a ‘primary health need’.
People who are assessed for CHC include those who need a very high level of support. Some people may be reaching the end of their lives, or have long-term conditions as a result of a disability, accident or illness. When someone is assessed as eligible for CHC, their local Integrated Care Board (ICB) is responsible for funding their full package of health and social care.
This means that the ICB will find suitable care to meet someone’s assessed needs. The ICB will always try to give options and choices that best match the patient and family’s preferences for the type and place of care provided.
Who is eligible for NHS continuing healthcare?
For example someone eligible:
The CCG will find the most suitable care package to meet your assessed needs in any setting, such:
How is continuing healthcare assessed?
In order to receive NHS CHC funding, individuals have to be assessed by North East London according to a legally prescribed decision-making process to determine whether the individual has a ‘primary health need’.
If you would like to have a continuing healthcare assessment for yourself, a family member or for a person you care for, you can speak to:
Take a look at NELFT for more information on who to contact in your borough