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RIASS Redbridge
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Refusal to Issue Appeals

EHC Plans are education lead. This means that there needs to be a Special Education Need (SEN).  An EHC Plan is given to support the education setting (school) provided support to the child or young person within that setting.

Education settings must provide an element of support from within their notional budget (SEN delegated budget).  If the education setting needs more support than they can provide within this, then there may be a need for an EHC Plan to be given to the child or young person. Education settings will need to evidence this and a provision map of support that is in place can be provided.

Education settings also must provide evidence of the use of outside professionals such as specialised outreach teachers, SALT, OT and EP.

In most cases there would be the request for evidence of 2 cycles of Assess, Plan, Do, Review from the advice reports of these outside professional. These should be available to support the EHC Plan need.

The decision not to issue is made against the advice reports that were gathered during the assessment. There may be cases where additional information has been gathered since the decision was made. This additional information can be presented during mediation or direct to the SEN Team afterward it has been gathered.

The 4 main areas considered during the assessment are:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Sensory and Physical

Your child or young person does not need to have identified support needs in all these areas, but any identified support needs gathered during the assessment should clearly state how the provisions needed to meet these needs are to be delivered and by whom. This would determine if there were a need for the support of an EHC Plan to deliver the provisions.

IPSEA has a refusal to issue pack.  Please click on the PDF document below.

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