If you disagree with a decision made by the local authority relating to your child's special educational needs, you can appeal to an independent body called the First Tier Tribunal for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).
If your child has Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND) and you are unhappy about the help they are getting RIASS can:
RIASS Tribunal Support Policy for information on how we can support you with your appeal
You can bring an appeal to the SEND Tribunal if your local authority:
Following on from the SEND National Trail you can also appeal against the health and social elements within the EHC Plan if you are appealing against section B and/or section F. However, the Tribunal can only make recommendations on health and social care provision, not legally binding orders as with education you cannot appeal these sections of the EHC Plan.
You can not appeal against;
Mediation is way of helping parents or young people resolve disagreements about EHC Needs Assessments and EHC Plans. A trained independent mediator will help each side express their views to reach an agreement. In some cases, mediation can help avoid the need to go to tribunal.
Parents and young people must consider mediation and contact the service used by the local authority before appealing to the SEND tribunal. Redbridge use Community Accord.
You do not have to use a mediation service if the appeal is only about the name or type of school, college named on the EHC plan (Section I).
RIASS can help you prepare for an appeal and attend Mediation if required. We can also help you make sure that any ruling from SENDIST is actioned.
Mediation is free and voluntary.
IPSEA have produced many different model letters to help you with appeals and complaints that you can download and amend for your own purposes.