Some children and young people have an EHCP that describes the support and help that they may need at school or college.
If you have an EHCP you may not be happy with what is written in this about you. You may also like something changed in your EHCP
Part A of the EHCP is about your views and what you would like to do in the future and what you would like people to know about you, the other parts in your EHCP are from professionals who have helped make your plan.
Part A can be changed during an annual review, as this is about you in your own words. It may be a little more difficult to change other parts of your EHCP, but the first step is letting someone know if you are unhappy with any part of it.
You should speak to a teacher or the person that helps you at school or college. The person that is normally in charge of SEN Support is the SENCo and they would be the best person to talk to. You should also tell your parent or carer.
Every year there is a meeting to discuss your EHCP and it's called an Annual Review. During that meeting you and the adults that help you, will discuss the information in the EHCP and decide if it needs to change or stay the same.
It is important that you are asked about the help that you get and how you are doing at school or college. You should also be asked if you think the support or help you get should be changed or not.
If you think that you would like more or different help, then it is important that you say so. If you would like something changed in your EHCP and there is not a meeting soon, then you should speak to your teacher or the person that helps you at school or college. You should also tell your parent or carer. They may be able to arrange a meeting to talk about what you would like changed.
The local authority is responsible for changing your EHCP, not your school or parent or carer. Your views, and the views from school are sent to the local authority who will change your EHCP.
There may be times when the local authority decides not to change your EHCP. You may need to ask the school or parent and carer to help you to challenge this. RIASS is a service who is here to help you with this as well.
An EHCP is about you. Hearing your voice is important so do not be afraid to tell someone if you are not happy with your EHCP.